Our Child and Youth Development Programs
A vibrant, healthy community is one in which everyone feels a sense of belonging and connection.
At the YMCA, that often means stepping forward with a new program or service to address specific and unique needs in the communities we serve. The following programs assist vulnerable children and families at no cost to them, but would not be able to continue without the support of donations and other funding.

YMCA Beyond the Bell
By focusing on prevention, the YMCA Beyond the Bell program provides at-risk children in Grades 1–5 with the additional help and attention they need to succeed in their academic studies, build relationships and improve their capacity to grow and learn.

YMCA Okanagan Swims
Drowning is a leading cause of preventable death in children, yet not every child knows how to swim. The YMCA Okanagan Swims program provides free access to emergency water safety lessons for all third-grade children in School District 23.

YMCA Healthy Snack Program
Many kids in our child care programs come hungry because their families struggle to afford regular meals. Donors are making a difference by providing over 100,000 healthy snacks that keep these children nourished and ready to learn.

YMCA Young Parent Program and Child Care
This community program provides parents under the age of 20 with the fundamental tools they need to thrive, including quality child care, parenting education, life skills training, connections to critical resources and a supportive community.

Nobody’s Perfect parenting program
The Nobody’s Perfect parenting program assists parents who are young, single, isolated, low-income or have limited formal education. Parents can share real-life experiences and learn about child development, safety, health and behaviour.

YMCA Alternative Suspension
School dropout is a national crisis. School suspensions and other disciplinary measures are early indicators of a student’s potential to disengage from school. This program is designed to counter these risk factors by offering participants an opportunity to turn their time away from school into a positive experience that fosters personal growth and autonomy.

Employment Services
For all individuals, unemployment leads to social exclusion and low-income prevalence. Our YMCA Employment Services provide much-needed skill building to address unique barriers to meaningful job opportunities. 235 individuals facing barriers (including youth, survivors of violence, those with disabilities, those in addiction recovery, and LGBTQ2S++) graduated from this program in 2022.

Mindfulness Services
As a cause-driven organization devoted to youth empowerment, the Y helps youth overcome barriers to their wellbeing through programs that support their physical, mental, emotional and social health. In 2022, our Y Mindfulness Programs ensured 120 youth struggling with stress and anxieties learned coping tools and techniques.